• Keep your router’s firmware up to date.
  • Enable two-factor authentication for your router’s admin console.
  • Configure your router’s firewall to block or rate-limit ICMP traffic.
  • Use a VPN.
  • Consider using a DDoS protection service.
  • Keep your computer and other devices on your network up to date.

DDoS attacks can be devastating to a network or system, and unfortunately, routers are often one of the first targets. When numerous computers send data to an IP address at the same time, it is referred to as a DDoS assault. Fortunately, there are some things you can do to help prevent a DDoS attack on your router.

The most authentic and easiest way to prevent a DDoS attack on your router is to change your router’s IP address. Also, To keep your business safe from future DDoS attacks and other forms of cyber theft, it’s important to invest in a good firewall. You can also use VPNs for wireless networks or various connections on the internet if you’re worried about stranger danger!

Preventing a DDoS attack on a router can be accomplished in several ways, including:

Step 1: Reset Your Router’s IP Address

The first step is to log into your router’s settings and change the IP address. After you’ve logged in, look for the “WAN” or “Internet” section, and find the entry labeled “Static IP.” Change it from the current IP address (which you can find by visiting to a random string of numbers between 1 and 255, such as

If you can’t find the “Static IP” setting, try looking for an entry labeled “DHCP.” This stands for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, and it’s the setting that automatically assigns an IP address to your router. Change the DHCP setting from “Enabled” to “Disabled,” and then enter a random IP address in the “Static IP” field.

Once you’ve saved your changes, restart your router. This will cause it to use the new IP address.

Easiest Way To Change Your IP

Also, you can leave your modem router unplugged for up to 24hr, in this way you will be assigned a new IP address.

Change IP Address Using the Command Prompt (Windows)

If you’re using Windows, you can change your IP address by opening the Command Prompt and typing in “ipconfig /release,” followed by “ipconfig /renew.” This will release your current IP address and assign you a new one.

Change IP Address Using Terminal (Mac)

To change your IP address on a Mac, open the Terminal and input “sudo ifconfig en0 down,” followed by “sudo ifconfig en0 up.” This will free up your current IP address and give you a new one.

Step 2: Disabling internet access to the router administration interface

One of the most effective ways to prevent a DDoS attack is to disable or restrict internet access to the router’s administration interface. This can be accomplished by password-protecting the interface, setting up IP filtering, or both.

Step 3: Enabling firewalls and intrusion detection/prevention systems (IDS/IPS)

Firewalls and IDS/IPS systems can help to protect against DDoS attacks by blocking or rate-limiting traffic from known malicious IP addresses.

Step 4: Configuring the router to rate-limit or block incoming traffic from known malicious IP addresses

Many routers have the ability to rate-limit or block incoming traffic from specific IP addresses. This can be an effective way to prevent a DDoS attack, as it will stop the attacker’s traffic from reaching your network.

Step 5: Keeping the router’s firmware up to date

It is important to keep the router’s firmware up to date, as new vulnerabilities are regularly discovered. Outdated firmware is one of the most common causes of compromised routers.

Step 6: Monitoring the router for suspicious activity

Monitoring the router for suspicious activity can help to detect a DDoS attack in progress, as well as identify potential attackers. This can be accomplished by monitoring traffic levels and looking for unusual patterns of activity.

Step 7: Reporting any suspicious activity to the proper authorities

If you suspect that your router has been attacked, it is important to report the activity to the proper authorities. This will help to ensure that the attacker is brought to justice and that other victims are not targeted.

Step 8: Use Antivirus Software

It is also critical to have antivirus software on your computer. This will assist in the protection of your computer from any potentially harmful malware that the attacker may attempt to install in order to gain access to your router. It can prevent your system from being part of a larger DDoS attack without you realizing it.

How do I enable DDoS protection on my router?

To enable DDoS protection on your router, you will need to access the router’s configuration page and enable the DDoS protection feature. This can usually be done by logging into the router’s web-based interface and navigating to the Security or Firewall section. Once you have enabled DDoS protection, your router will be able to detect and block DDoS attacks. Also, there will be three options to enable such as:

  • ICMP-FLOOD Attack Filtering – Enable to prevent the ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) flood attack.
  • UDP-FlOOD Attack Filtering – Enable to prevent the UDP (User Datagram Protocol) flood attack.
  • TCP-SYN-FLOOD Attack Filtering – Enable to prevent the TCP-SYN (Transmission Control Protocol-Synchronize) flood attack.

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