What is local area network, Types and Benefits of LAN

What is LAN?

LAN stands for local area network which is a computer network established for interconnecting computers within a limited area. These areas may include a school, university campus, laboratory, or office building. The earliest LAN technologies came into existence in the 1960s.

It is basically a collection of various devices which are joined together at a physical location. It may be a small or large setup established for a single user or multiple ones at home or at an office. No matter what is the size of LAN, one of the characteristics which define it is that it is capable of joining devices in a single area which is limited.

local area network comprises switches, access points, cables, routers, and various other components that let the devices connect with web servers, internet servers, and other local area networks with the help of wide-area networks.

The increase in the usage of virtual media has further increased the creation of virtual LANs leading towards enabling network administrators to partition their networks and group network nodes logically without any requirement of major infrastructural changes.

A local area network or LAN is generally created for fulfilling the internet needs of a small area. Development of LAN is done for utilizing the fast transfer of data over a limited geographical area. This network is created for establishing swift interconnections within individual computer units.

LAN or local area network is preferred because of the fast accessibility and affordability that it offers. This network is being preferred for its sophistication and for better data sharing between different systems.

Benefits of LAN 

There are numerous benefits of LAN which resemble the ones provided by any group of devices that are connected together. The benefits include sharing files, usage of a single internet connection, easy printing via shared printer, and ease to control and access devices by one another.  

Local area network was developed in the 1960s to make work at offices easier and for use at universities, colleges, and research facilities such as NASA for connecting several computers together. With the development of Ethernet technology, its standardization, and commercialization, the wide usage of local area networks began.

The devices that are connected with each other have benefits that are not only understood but also appreciated. However, with the increase in the use of Wi-Fi technology, the uses of LANs have increased helping them gain a commonplace in different types of environments.

 Presently, LAN is used in schools, businesses, stores, coffee shops, homes, and restaurants. The wireless connectivity has led to a further increase in the expansion of types of devices that are connected together via LAN. Today, almost anything can be connected including phones, printers, and personal computers to speakers, stereos, door locks, coffeemakers, security cameras, refrigerators and much more.

Types of LAN

Generally, there are two types of LAN or local area networks which are client/server LANs and peer-to-peer LANs. A client/server LAN comprises various devices of the client that are connected to the central server. Here, the server manages the access to an application, access to a device, file storage, and network traffic.

A client is defined as any device which is connected and runs or has the access to the Internet or applications. The clients are known for being connected to the server either with the assistance of wireless connections or through the cables. A LAN server is capable of handling suites of applications.

The users have access to the email, databases, printing, email, sharing, and various other services that it offers with the help of applications running on the server. They offer to read and write access that is maintained by an IT administrator or a network. The networks used by the government, businesses of different sizes, and for research are mostly client/server-based LANs.

In a peer-to-peer local area network, there is no central server and it is not capable of handling heavy workloads like the client/server local area network. This type of LAN is smaller in size with each device sharing equally in the network functioning.

In this network, the devices are known for sharing data and resources with the help of wireless connections or wired connections to a router or a switch. The connection that we use at home is mostly a peer-to-peer local area network.

How Does Local Area Network Work?

After learning about the benefits and types of local area networks, now let’s read about how do local area networks work? Earlier the local area network or LAN was created by using a coaxial cable.

A coax is basically an electric cable that is used for carrying radio signals. This network is set up by developing a connection between two or more computers. These systems are connected together by using physical connectors so that files and data can be easily shared using.

This connection is primarily used for joining the radio transmitters with their antennas. Additionally, it is used for creating internet connections and for the purpose of distributing cable channels. The most common type with the assistance of which a local area network is set up is an ethernet.

Ethernet is known as a major data and physical link layer technology that is capable of generating a maximum data rate of 100 Mbps. It has been proved as a highly effective way of serving as a medium for internet protocol data transfer.

The cables in an ethernet are generally extended to a length of as long as 100 meters but saying so is not the end limit. Further, these cables may be extended as per the requirement.

Whenever a decision is taken regarding the development of LAN or a local area network, efforts must be made for the utilization of software such as MS Windows. This network offers special network sharing features along with a local area network or LAN.

A wireless LAN connection is known as WLAN which allows one to use the network even when he is moving around. The trend of carrying laptops around and working has decreased the use of traditional local area networks.

The office workers using laptops prefer using WLAN so that they are able to work from home while using the office internet. WLAN is preferred because of its wireless arrangement and easy installation.

How to Secure a Local Area Network? 

As you now know about how does local area network works, there arises a question as to is this network safe and if not how to secure a local area network? A local area network must be secured so that your data and privacy remain safe. There are different ways of safeguarding LAN that also apply to the common variations of hardware which are used easy setup of small and local networks.

One of the common ways of securing it is by installing a firewall resource behind the point of access like an initial wireless router. The usage of specific security protocols such as WPA and WPA2 for encrypting the password on the traffic reaching via the internet is also important.

Different people have varied requirements on the basis of the purpose for which they are using the network. For designers, there may arise a requirement for securing switches and routers that are known for serving various parts of the network.

Administrators are further capable of filtering the traffic by utilizing detailed information about various trusted network areas. Most of the strategies used here rely on the special authentication policies which require scrutiny of the network traffic for preventing various accesses that aren’t authorized.

While some may use tunnel technologies such as VPN or various other access points which are often locked down, users may also use various layers of the OSI model for controlling security or controlling packets. Security practiced at the network layer is known for providing effective control.

Additionally, local area networks require internal security strategies which comprise element addition such as anti-malware security and anti-virus. This becomes essential when some of the user activity leads to the entry of hacking functions into the network.

There are numerous malicious programs and viruses which get access to the user’s data as soon as he opens an email or downloads a file from an illegitimate source. This may also take place when a user allows the internal network to open up to various exterior threats.

Importance of Local Area Network in an Organization 

A local area network or LAN helps the organization in performing its daily operations in an enhanced manner. A secure local area network that is reliable helps the organization in connecting with their customers and business partners in a better way. It facilitates the employees to perform well and productively.

local area network or a LAN connection is considered reasonable and cheaper than other networks in terms of setting up and maintenance. For example, a wide area network or WAN requires a considerable investment no matter if it is for private use or rented from a telecommunication provider.

LAN makes problem-solving easy at an optimum cost and is very easy to set up. For setting up a LAN connection all one needs is an internet service, a central hub, and a server. The central hub may either be a router or the main computer and the devices may be connected to each other by making use of the ethernet cables or wirelessly.

Numerous users may be added to a LAN and several of these local area networks may be further connected together across organizations or offices for creating a larger network. The local area network is highly adaptable and even with numerous changes in various departments, hiring, and shifting of employees, it ensures that the connection remains the same.

Further, new devices or printers may be added to the network and removed as per the requirement. It facilitates the modification of user information or data in the easiest way and with the least problems. The present world needs this type of versatility so that the work can be carried on swiftly with fewer hassles.

Presently, the speed of a local area network may be easily reached up to 1Gbps or may even exceed it. It is fast-paced and allows easy sharing of files, uploading, downloading along with high-definition video conferencing, streaming, and applications. The data-intensive tasks may be easily performed by using a local area network.

LAN provides faster and highly personalized services to its users, it allows usage of emails, chats, and web forms. It provides access to all the remote business data and applications and helps in scheduling video conferencing and meetings. It gives real-time insight into the performance of an organization which helps in targeting the loopholes and problem-solving.

Difference Between LAN and WAN 

A LAN or local area network comprises a network or group of computers connected together within a limited geographical area. This connection has high speed and isn’t much expensive. A WAN or wide area network isn’t restricted to a geographical area or a location, however, it may be limited to a state or country’s boundary.

A WAN connects several LANs and may either be limited to the organization or open to the public. This technology has high speed and is comparatively expensive to a local area network. Internet is an example of WAN which comprises a collection of thousands of networks connecting billions of devices.

LAN or local area network uses ethernet technology which is basically a collection of network technologies that commands how data is being carried over the physical media. A local area network is known for providing multiple benefits to an organization such as reliable speed, security, high fault tolerance, and scalability.

A local area network is known for having a higher bandwidth as compared to a wide area network. Also, a LAN connection is known for transmitting data at a much faster pace as compared to a wide area network. When it comes to safety, a LAN is considered much safer than a WAN as a wide area network transfers data at much farther distances.

There is lesser control over a LAN network as it is handled by many, however, a WAN connection is usually maintained and owned by a single organization and hence can be easily controlled.


local area network or a local area network topology defines the logical as well as the physical manner in which the devices and network segments are interconnected with each other. It is categorized by the medium of signal transmissions which take place in a physical form or in a logical manner of data transfer.

It comprises switches and cables that may be connected to a cable modem, router, or modem for accessing the internet. It may also consist of network devices such as network intrusion detection, firewalls, and load balancers.

Once the needs of a LAN are ascertained, the design may be created as the same. It also includes the identification of the number of devices that are to be connected. For connecting the devices wirelessly, there is a need for a router so that an internet connection may be established.

The distance between the hardware devices is generally measured to find out the length of the cables that will be needed. LAN setup generally requires a router to be connected to the power source, modem being connected to the router, and further connecting the switch to the router if they are being used.

Lastly, the devices are being joined to the open LAN ports present on the router via ethernet. For establishing a wireless connection, the computer is being connected to one of the router’s LAN ports by using ethernet.

A local area network is known for providing several benefits such as optimized flexibility, reduced costs, streamlined communication, and an increased storage capacity. It is responsible for enabling the smooth transfer of files and messages in real-time which may be accessed from anywhere, anytime, and from any device.

A local area network is known for leading a reduction in the hardware costs used in LAN and for efficiently pooling the resources. In this network, the data is pooled into a data server which is centrally stored. Here a decrease is observed in the number of storage servers that are required leading to the enhanced efficiency of operations.

A LAN is basically a computer network which comprises of routers, switches, and access points that enable devices, internal servers, and web server to connect. Devices on this network may consist of workstations and personal computers which are used for sharing files that may be easily accessed by the users using a single internet connection.

In the current times, when the internet has become a part of our everyday lives, LAN or a local area network plays a vital role in connecting us all. Whether we are working from an office, home, or any other place, LAN helps everyone in remaining connected with each other facilitating smooth working.

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