What is Telecommunication Network and Types of Telecommunication Networks?

What is Telecommunication Networks and Types of Telecommunication Networks

In today’s time, telecommunication networks give us an essential platform in our society for the exchange of data and information in its various possible forms, viz., voice, data, and video, and thus helps us to live a modern life in this modern era.

You will understand the functions, components, types, and many more things about the telecommunication networks with us. So, let’s begin with the definition.

What is Telecommunication Networks? 

A telecommunications network is a group of terminal nodes, any intermediate nodes, and links that are connected to enable telecommunication between the terminals.

These transmission links between them connect the nodes. The nodes use different types of switching such as circuit switching, message switching, or packet switching to pass the signal through the right links and nodes to reach the right destination terminal.

Each terminal in the telecommunication network usually has a unique kind of address so that the messages or connections will be routed to the right recipients. The collection of addresses within the network is named as the address space. 

In today’s telecommunications networks, users are connected to one of the nodes, and each link of each user is called a communications channel (it can be wire, fiber-optic cable, or radio waves). 

Components of a Telecommunications Networks 

Nowadays telecommunication networks can transmit voice, video, graphic images, and text information. The components of telecommunication networks required to transmit information include computers to process information, terminals to receive and send data, processors, and software. Here are some of the components of telecommunication networks are:

  • Signals: Analog and digital electromagnetic signals are used by telecommunications for data traveling. The analog electromagnetic signal is used for voice communication that goes through a communication medium. Whereas, digital electromagnetic signals transmit data coded as 1 bit and 0 bits or on-off electric pulses.

Computers can communicate by using digital signals. Whenever a computer has to communicate over an analog line it needs a modem to translate the signals. A modem then translates analog signals into digital and vice versa. 

  • Communication Channels: The transmission of data over telecommunication also requires communication channels. It uses different mediums to transmit information from one device to another. The speed of information flows depends on the transmission media.

High-speed transmission is costlier because the infrastructure to support the high-speed transmission costs more than the infrastructure used to support low-speed transmission. Examples used for transmission include fiber optics, wireless, coaxial cable, and twisted wire. 

  • Communication Networks: Telecommunication networks has various functions and classification based on their geographic capacity and the kind of service they provide. The topology of a network indicates how a network performs its tasks. The various topologies are the star, bus, and ring networks.
  • Star Network: In which the star network uses a central computer connected to different small computers.
  • Bus Network: The bus network uses one circuit to link other computers.
  • Ring Network: And the ring network is the most independent kind of network and doesn’t rely on a central host computer. 

Types of Telecommunication Networks 

There are various types of telecommunication networks are given below:

1. LAN: LAN is a local area network and designed for small areas like an office, group of buildings, or a factory. LANs are used widely because it is easy to design and to troubleshoot. The PCs and the workstations are connected through the LAN.

LAN has different topologies, these are Star, Ring, Bus, Tree, etc. LAN is simple and used in connecting two computers, to share files and network among one another while it can also be as complex as interconnecting a whole building.

  • Features:
    • Resource Sharing
    • Software Applications Sharing
    • Easy and Cheap Communication
    • Centralized Data
    • Data Security
    • Internet Sharing 

2. WAN: WAN is a wide area network that can be private or it can be public leased. It’s used for the network that covers large distances like cover states of a country. Networks that cover a large city or metropolitan area also can be included in this category.

You can read also: What is MAN Network and How does it Work?

For example, WANs are used by many multinational companies to transmit their data and receive information among their employees, suppliers, customers, and other organizations across various cities, regions, countries, and the whole world.

  • Features:
    • Covers a large area.
    • Messages can be sent quickly. Messages include pictures, sounds, or data.
    • Shares software and resources with connecting workstations.
    • Everyone can use the same data from WANs.

3. MAN: MAN is quite a bigger version of LAN. It’s also called Metropolitan Area Network and uses similar technology as LAN. It’s designed to extend over the whole city. It often means connecting several LANs into a bigger network or is often one cable.

It’s mainly held and operated by a single private company or a public company.

  • Features:
    • Extremely efficient.
    • Fast communication via high-speed carriers.
    • It provides a single backbone for a large network and provides greater access to WAN.
    • It encompasses several blocks of an entire city.
    • Used dual bus transmission of data. 

4. Internetworks: Internetworks are the links to two or more networks. It means it connects two or more individual networks using various devices such as routers, bridges, and gateways. For example, the Internet. 

5. Intranets and Extranets: Intranets is a telecommunication network that is designed to be open, but is secured with internal networks whose web browsing software provides easy point-and-click access by their users to multimedia information on the internal internet sites.

Whereas Extranets are also a telecommunication network that links intranet resources of a company with other organizations and individuals. 

6. Wireless networks: Wireless is a much better option than any other telecommunication network. It is not a new idea earlier morse code was used to implement the wireless connections. Now digital wireless network systems have much better systems, but this system’s idea is the same as before.

 It can be divided into three categories.

  • System interconnection: This system is all about interconnecting the components of a computer using short-range radio. 
  • Wireless LANs: These systems need a radio modem and antenna to communicate with each other. 
  • Wireless WANs: This is a wide radio network that has a low-bandwidth wireless WAN. Example Cellular telephones. 

Functions of the Telecommunication Network 

There are various functions of telecommunication networks, some of the functions are:

  • The main and basic role of telecommunication networks is to transmit information from one part to another or far distance and establish an interface between sender and receiver by some means of transmission mode.
  • Since terminals and nodes are connected randomly to the network so this system routes the message along the most efficient paths that take minimum time to send a message to the receiver end.
  • Transmission of the data is completed uninterruptedly and comes with the shortest path in minimum time.
  • These systems also make sure that the right message is received by the right user only and while transmitting is also checked for transmission errors.
  • As we all know that networks use different software and hardware to transmit data via communication channels that vary with the different mediums therefore the telecommunication is responsible for converting and managing the speed of transmission directly to the platform.
  • It also converts messages from one format to a different because the information is represented in several ways on the different platforms.
  • Control the flow of data that depends on the communication channels and the terminals used to transmit information. So this system controls both of them accordingly.

Examples of Telecommunication Networks 

Examples of Telecommunication networks are as follows:

  • Telecommunications network devices include telephones, microwave communication arrangements, fiber optics, telegraph, radio, satellites, and the largest example is the Internet.
  • While the majority of people associate telecommunications with modern technologies, it is also used in ancient times to smoke signals as a form of visual telegraph. Widely used by various people before, smoke signals are used to could communicate short messages over long distances, assuming a clear line of sight.
  • Telecommunications also includes mobile phones with conference calling features.
  • Telecommunication technology allowed astronauts on the Moon to communicate with the people of earth.
  • Communications satellites are used for telecommunication. Satellite phones vary in size, but all believe a satellite network.
  • Cell phone towers are used for telecommunications.
  • A GSM telephone is a telecommunication device.
  • Telecommunication networks allow military units to be controlled by remote headquarters through command and control systems.
  • A heliograph is an optical telegraph that uses a mirror to reflect light to mimic a sign lamp. 

Uses of Telecommunication Network 

Uses of telecommunication networks in daily life:

  • Distant Communication: The days of sending letters are gone. Today, contacting people from any part of the world is much easier than before with the use of computers, handsets and the internet. People can communicate through phones, calls, text messages, e-mails, or social media platforms. Telecommunication has simply made keeping in touch with loved ones more convenient, efficient, and also cost-effective. 
  • Entertainment: The growth of telecommunications has completely changed the entertainment landscape. Nowadays, people can access many TV channels to watch news, movies, and music. Social media is popularly used for entertainment to share videos, photos, and also reels. 
  • Socialization: As more people get busy in their work and careers, it’s hard to find time for their social life. But the growth of social media platforms has now done much in filling that gap of today’s generation. Today, anyone can connect and meet new people and friends through Facebook, Instagram, Twitter while at work. People are also using Skype, Whatsapp, Google Hangouts, and various other apps to interact live by making video calls. 

Uses of telecommunication networks in banking sectors:

  • Customer Service: Today the banks connected with each of their customers through telecommunication. Customers may have to check on their account balances, inquire about bank products and services, or present about their bank accounts or transactions. Using customer care service banks can engage with and resolve customer issues quite seamlessly. Now the apps are also available of the banks in which the customers can check their balance history, transactions, etc. 
  • Mobile Bank Transactions: The growth of technology increasing every day. Today, people can access their bank accounts, withdraw cash, make deposits, and check balances from anywhere through their phones. The integration of mobile banking apps has brought convenience in managing personal bank accounts and making transactions. 
  • Integrated Voice Response and Call-back Manager: Integrated Voice Response(IVR) and call-back manager are the two key technologies used by banking institutions. The Implementation of Integrated Voice Response can particularly help a bank to provide high-quality and consistent customer support. the use of call-back management also can provide an excellent boost in streamlining bank operations. 

Uses of telecommunication networks in business:

  • Communication Logistics: In the past, companies spend a lot of their traveling to meet up the clients, employees, or business partners. Nowadays, with the help of telecommunication, they don’t need to go anywhere. They can do videoconferencing, calls, face to face communication, and can also do online meetings on the PCs, phones, etc. 
  • Business Meetings: With the development of technology, companies can interact with their people via phone calls, video calls through the internet. The use of video conferencing meetings has made the work very easier for the companies such as cloud meetings, google meet, zoom meeting, etc. 
  • International Clientele: The use of the internet has a great impact on the growth of e-commerce. Businesses are now been able to reach many audiences through online websites, social media platforms, and also through television commercials. The geographical boundaries between businesses and consumers now have been broken and the companies enjoying more profit. 

Advantages and Disadvantages of Telecommunication Networks 

Advantages of telecommunications are:

  • Reduce Costs: Telecommunication help to reduce the cost of doing business. Paperless work in offices during which email messages are the primary mode of communication cut the price of buying papers and printing, disposing, and recycling. Sending letters to numerous is more expensive than sending one email with the same information to many customers. Thus telecommunication helps in cost savings. 
  • Time-Saving: Telecommunication tools are now being used widely in the form of computers, cell phones, and fax machines that are more efficient at delivering messages. Compared to older modes of communication like handwritten letters, information is exchanged more effectively within a shorter period.

For example with a telephone you can send letters, communicate, and can complain easily. Whereas in written form it can take a lot of time to reach the company and respond. 

  • International Clientele: Tools like the internet make e-commerce possible worldwide. This means businesses have the opportunity to succeed in out to more customers in a shorter time throughout the world. Telecommunication can also increase a company’s profits while breaking down the geographical boundaries between companies and consumers. 
  • Improved Communication Logistics: Businesses spend a considerable amount of money and time in training, traveling, and communicating with customers. Through telecommunication methods like teleconferencing, logistical costs and limitations are reduced. Teleconferencing involves the use of an Internet connection and a telephone line to communicate with people who are far away.
  • Quick decision making: Telecommunication feature teleconferencing enables many businesses to make decisions more quickly, especially if these businesses have overseas partnerships because customers and business partners have instant face-to-face communication to exchange their ideas without traveling far or wait too long for correspondence from the opposite side. 
  • Marketing and Advertising: Marketing and advertising campaigns are vital for several businesses. Telecommunication methods of advertising and marketing include social network marketing, telephone marketing calls, and online advertising. These kinds of campaigns spread awareness about the products to a wider audience. This may lead the business to generate more sales and expanding its customer base. 

Disadvantages of Telecommunications are:

  • Longer working day: It is kind of true that telecommuters can often choose what hours they have to work in the day but this will end in being stuck in the work all the time. This happens because of telecommuters’ inability to strike the proper balance between work and private life and eventually leads to having to limit out-of-work activities to fulfill project deadlines. The time spent on working out the plan of the day is lost and it’s impossible to make it up. 
  • Limited feedback: Office workers have the privilege of getting on-site immediate feedback and hence have an opportunity to improve their work. it’s much easier to be in control of things that matter to you once you know exactly how what you plan is accepted by employers, colleagues, and clients by seeing their immediate reaction. 
  • Logistics: Telecommuters don’t have to arrange for travel to the workplace but they need to meet with people in different locations as against office premises. Another problem with being at home is interoffice mail which, in this case, isn’t hand-delivered to you by a special office employee but rather has to be picked up from a place.
  • Emotional bonds: The biggest disadvantage of telecommunications is that people in offices occasionally enjoy freebies during their working day, particularly when special dates are approaching. With telecommuters, it’s yet again their responsibility to find a thing to love their company for.

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